Private Client
How to Live Well and Retire Comfortably
will work FOR you throughout your entire life –
…no matter how much you have right now!
If you’re at that stage in life where you know you need help with your financial planning, but you’re not sure where to turn, please keep reading.
As you know, the future will be here before you know it. But will you be financially “able” to retire and live the life you WANT to live, after a lifetime of hard work?
Maybe. Maybe not. It all depends on if you take the proper steps to plan for the future.
A comfortable retirement doesn’t happen by accident. And you shouldn’t count on “miracles” like marrying a rich person or winning the lottery. Plus, hard work isn’t enough. You need a PLAN to save your money. If you’re like most folks, you tend to spend what you make.
Honestly, FEW people give enough thought to proper financial planning for the future.
I can help you change that. I know what your
life is like – and I’m here to help. I specialize in
helping everyone from graduating college
students to successful multi-millionaires!
I know from personal experience how easy it is to get “caught up” in the daily grind. Working hard, paying bills, but leaving the future to “chance” and “wishful thinking.” That’s NOT the best way to live your life! And let’s face it: Every passing day is one day closer to the day your working career or employment “lifespan” comes to a close. No one works forever.
That’s why NOW is the right time to do the smart thing and start thinking of the future.
I can help you.
When we talk, I’ll share with you a helpful outline I’ve put together that illustrates the problems you’re up against – and the solutions I can help you implement.
You’ll be amazed that it doesn’t take much to work towards retiring comfortably. The pay-off is knowing that you have
a plan in place for your future.
Just one small change in what you do every week could make ALL the difference. So call me today, and let’s get started on creating the kind of financial plan that will help you make smarter, more well-informed decisions about your future.
And make no mistake about it: If you don’t have a financial plan, your financial future could be in danger.
My consultation time is FREE – with no obligation.
Let’s get your life onto the right track.
It’s so easy, you’ll be glad you called!
Joe Gavazza
Invest - Discover how to combine investments in specific accounts for personal success. Diversifing your portfolio by owning non-correlating mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and alternative investments. Optimize your future income by holding your investments in the appropriate brokerage acount, IRA, Roth IRA, or 401k.
Life Insurance
Get peace of mind, knowing you've helped protect your loved ones
LIFE INSURANCE can help provide for the people who depend on you financially-
...if you can't be there for them.
The money can be used for final expenses, help to replace your lost income, cover debts, pay your mortgage, fund a child's education, and more.
Health insuracne - Before the Affordable Care Act (ACA) you could simply shop online. But today, with the complexities of premium subsidies, cost sharing subsidies, penalties – and now qualifying events and special enrollment periods – it’s a smart move to talk to a licensed insurance agent right now who can help minimize your cost and maximize your benefits.
Annuities - Enjoy the benefits of an annuity over the traditional low yielding bank CD. Find out which annuity works best FOR you and enjoy higher interest rates, tax deferral, and many other benefits. Contact us for your own comparison sheet.
Long-Term Care- STAY AT HOME INSURANCE. Over half of us will reach a point in our lives (by injury or age) when we need help getting through daily activities. We can either enter a facility or get as much help from home as possible. The traditional definition for LTC is listed below, but we like to think of it as a pot of money that we can use to get help at home.